V-Gram construction


For working with texts use VGram. This class implement the scikit-learn fit-transform interface and can be well embedded in the existing code.

class VGram(StreamVGram):
    def __init__(self, size=10000, iter_num=10, verbose=0): ..
    def fit(self, X): ..
    def transform(self, X): ..
    def save(self, filename="vgram_dict.json"): ..
    def alphabet(self): ..
    def freqs(self): ..
VGram(size=10000, iter_num=10, verbose=0) construct object, which can learn dictionary of size size in iter_num iterations.
By default CharTokenizer is used (see Tokenizers).
verbose means a level of verbose. 0 not print anything, 1 or more print some useful information about v-gram learning process.

fit(X) consume a list of strings and return VGram object. It makes iter_num iterations on all data to fit dictionary better. One iteration often is not enough.

transform(X) consume a list of strings. Return a 2-d list of strings, where each row is partition of original string on v-grams. It’s good for pipeline where CountVectorizer follows VGram (see Examples).

save(filename="", tokenizer=None) consume filename where dictionary will be saved (see save).

alphabet() return a list of v-grams.

freqs() return a list of integers with frequencies of v-gram occurrence in data.

Load VGram from file by loadVGram. loadVGram get file name and return VGram object.

If you work with streams, use StreamVGram (see Stream V-Gram construction). If you work with integer sequences, use IntVGram_

See Examples for details.


For working with integers sequences use VGram. It’s similar to VGram but works with integers. This class implement the scikit-learn fit-transform interface and can be well embedded in the existing code.

class IntVGram(StreamVGram):
    def __init__(self, size=10000, iter_num=10, verbose=0): ..
    def fit(self, X): ..
    def transform(self, X): ..
    def save(self, filename="vgram_dict.json"): ..
    def alphabet(self): ..
    def freqs(self): ..
IntVGram(size=10000, iter_num=10, verbose=0) construct object, which can learn dictionary of size size in iter_num iterations.
verbose means a level of verbose. 0 not print anything, 1 or more print some useful information about v-gram learning process.

fit(X) consume a 2-list of integers and return IntVGram object. It makes iter_num iterations on all data to fit dictionary better. One iteration often is not enough.

transform(X) consume a 2-d list of integers or 2-d numpy array. Return a list of strings, where each row is consist of integers separate by stace. Each integer is id of v-gram in dictionary. It’s good for pipeline where CountVectorizer follows IntVGram even if you work with integers (see Examples). You can get integer list by apply split() to every element of returned list.

save(filename="vgram_dict.json") consume filename where dictionary will be saved (see save).

alphabet() return a 2-d list of integers where every row is a list of index of the corresponding v-gram.

freqs() return a list of integers with frequencies of v-gram occurrence in data.

Load IntVGram from file by loadIntVGram. loadIntVGram get file name and return IntVGram object.

If you work with streams, use IntStreamVGram (see Stream V-Gram construction).

See Examples for details.